Welcome to my site. Here you will find some info about me, the things I do and a listing of upcoming (and past) presentations and lectures. While I initially expected most of my posts to be about Open Source/Free Software (hence the name), these days it's mostly rants and ramblings about running.

RIP Manning Marable

Manning Marable was one of the most creative, politically radical voices in the African American community. Typesetting his articles in the late 80s always took a long time, I would get lost in the story he was weaving and forget I had dozens of other things to get done to get The Guardian to press on time.

Manning had taken over the Guardian's race politics column, The Color Line, years before I started working as production manager. The column was originated by W.E.B DuBois and Marable held his own in those early years against the shadow of one of the most impactful African American writers.

Years later I had the chance to be a fly on the wall at a meeting/discussion between Marable, Michael Eric Dyson and Cornel West. Someday I'll write more about that fascinating and amazingly educational moment.

His death is sad, his death happening at age 60 seems so unfair. The fact that his death comes only days before public release of his sure-to-be-groundbreaking biography of Malcolm X is just tragic.

One of his columns that I still remember typesetting was his rant about the popularity Malcolm X found in the mainstream in the wake of Spike Lee's biography of Malcolm X.

While giving a nod to how exciting it was to see young folks wearing X caps everywhere; while accepting that it was a nice change of pace to see a broader politics become acceptable in discussing the Civil Rights Movement, Marable also held some concerns. This is after all America, where nothing goes un-compromised or un-commodified. Therefor Manning asked his readers to remember that Macolm was a great man but America "has a way of taking great things, like cheese, and turning them into Velveta"

Comrade Marable, I hope your legacy is more cheese and less velveta. Rest in Peace.
today's photo

email overload

Spent hours today digging into my inbox. Oh man, this is going to take a while. Down to 1500 unread messages. inbox 0 here I come!

made it out!

Made it out of the apartment today! woo hoo!

I still have not checked my email, which now has about 3,000 unread messages in my inbox (that does not include most mailing lists and usually contains very little spam). so it you're waiting for a reply from me, it should come soon. And this blog will soon turn back to more interesting topics.


getting closer

Well, I still have not made it out of the apartment but I am starting to feel like the end of being ill is near. good night and enjoy today's photo

hopefully my last sick-bed entry

I've run out of stand-by images to post, I'm going totally stir crazy. I've got about 1800 unread email messages. I've got to get out of bed tomorrow.

Here are a few images taken this morning with the really crappy camera on my even more crappy phone. enjoy.

not a bad self-portrait actually...

bad bad leroy brown has been a sweety this week

I'm so tired of looking at my toes