class war is alive and well and living in Wisconsin (and Washington DC, and Albany NY...)

All over the nation we're hearing about how we all need to share in the sacrifice because government is broke and we just can't afford the programs that make for a civilized society. This is just not true, it's a lie, it's part of a disinformation campaign. It's part of the Class War that is alive and well in our nation.

How many more tax breaks do the rich need at the expense of the rest of us? How many more times can we allow for the wealth of our society to be redistributed to the rich? Enough is enough. Tax the wealthy as much as necessary until they stop taking more than their fair share of the pie.

A couple of links that illustrate this point

Infographic: Tax Breaks vs. Budget Cuts
In 2011 the mortgage interest deduction will help families who purchase a vacation home avoid taxes to the tune of $800 million. Meanwhile, the House Budget Committee chairman’s 2011 budget bill included $730 million in cuts to housing programs for the elderly and disabled.

Politicians shut off families’ heat to protect the rich

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