It just keeps getting more insane. Now the GOP wants to "keep the government from over regulating the internet." Seriously, they want to hand control over the once level playing field of the internet over to the giant media corporations that have everything to gain by destroying that fairness.
I usually would not promote a web based petition, but this one is important. Call your Senators, demand that the FCC be given the "right" to preserve the level playing field on the internet; demand that government act to prevent the destruction of Network Neutrality. If we don't, the big corporations will be able to easily prevent any competition; the innovative culture of the internet will grind to a halt.
Defend Free Speech on the Internet
The House recently passed a “Resolution of Disapproval” that would strip the FCC of its authority to protect our right to free speech online. The resolution would not just bar the FCC from enforcing its already weak Net Neutrality rule, but also from acting in any way to protect Internet users against corporate abuses.
We can kill the resolution in the Senate by getting 51 members to stand up for online freedom. Sign this letter to demand that your senators protect our right to an open Internet, and we will deliver it to their offices in Washington.
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