Some good news for a change

Ex-Black Panther Mumia gets new sentencing hearing
The court in Pennsylvania ruled that Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther who has languished on death row for nearly 30 years, must have a new sentencing hearing within the next six months.

The Public Shrugged: Guess they won't be making 'Atlas Wanked' parts 2 and 3 after all ...
As Aglialoro suggests, he won’t lose money on it—the film was produced far too cheaply for that—but it seems that the effort involved, the low profit margins, and the critical brickbats slung at the film, have sapped his desire to get Rand’s work on screens. So, a victory for our liberal media elite conspiracy! Oh, shit, uh, we mean, uh… Look over there, there’s evidence of Barack Obama faking his birth certificate!

Today, a couple photos of the debris of spring. Those trees have no respect.