NYC is trying something new to get drivers to think about how fast they are driving, so let's talk about bike lanes.

The NY Times City Room blog reported today about a creative approach the City is going to take towards driver education about the speed limit this summer. see

It's a bit silly and too cute, but it might just work. You've seen those automatic signs that tell you how fast you're driving. They don't do much. In a strange way, they might even backfire.

So this summer, instead of showing you how fast you are traveling, if it detects your are moving faster than the 30 mph speed limit it will simply say "SLOW DOWN!" (with a stupid graphic of a skeleton walking across a street).

Why this story needed to divert for so many paragraphs onto a survey about attitudes towards bike lanes is not clear. I guess that these days any story about transportation is a reason to suggest that the biggest issue on the roads is bike lanes and not cars.