Help ABC No Rio Raze (and then Raise) the Roof!

If you do not know ABC No Rio, here's a quick overview excerpted from

ABC No Rio is a collectively-run center for art and activism. We are known internationally as a venue for oppositional culture. ABC No Rio was founded in 1980 by artists committed to political and social engagement and we retain these values to the present.

We seek to facilitate cross-pollination between artists and activists. ABC No Rio is a place where people share resources and ideas to impact society, culture, and community. We believe that art and activism should be for everyone, not just the professionals, experts, and cognoscenti. Our dream is a cadres of actively aware artists and artfully aware activists.

Next tuesday night we're having a benefit.

This will hopefully be our last big benefit/art auction before we finally get around to demolishing the existing building at 156 Rivington Street.

Thanks to all the generous folks that have helped, we nearly have enough money to rebuild a new 4 story center for art and activism in its place.

But we need a little bit more to pull it off.

Here's your chance.

Tuesday May 3, 7 to 10pm
Hosted by Allegra LaViola Gallery
179 East Broadway

Join us for beer, wine, buffet, guest DJ's, brilliant conversation and spirited bidding!

Proceeds from this benefit will go towards ABC No Rio's Building Fund.

for more info check out

See you there, I'll probably be behind the bar.

today's photo:

Two biohazard bags on a window sill on West 4th Street. Someone's lunch? I saw something and said nothing, does that make me a bad person?