Facebook made us do it! Yeah, right.

PR FIRM: Facebook Asked Us To Do Something Sleazy And We Never Should Have Done It

This is just too funny.

Burson Marsteller, the PR firm that found no problem with representing brutal tyrants and dictators like Augusto Pinochet and Nikolai Chauchesku is saying that they only did something "distasteful" because Facebook asked them to.

Now, let's ignore that there was a lot of money that changed hands so saying that facebook "asked" and not "paid good money" for whatever is a bit of a stretch -- just focus on the idea of Burson Marsteller making a claim to have any conscience at all.

Spinning the Bhopal disaster so Union Carbide would keep its stock value was ok, but putting out news stories about google is somehow going to far? Seriously?!

I'm just speechless.
and speaking of mixed messages, I somehow think that the primary message of this paint job is "hi officer, I'm stoned. pull me over"