Welcome to my site. Here you will find some info about me, the things I do and a listing of upcoming (and past) presentations and lectures. While I initially expected most of my posts to be about Open Source/Free Software (hence the name), these days it's mostly rants and ramblings about running.

photos, July 5th


getting ready to hit the road

I'm doing some research for my upcoming visit to Milwaulkee, partly so I can get an idea of where I will be able to run. Milwaulkee is the last stop on the trip Jenna is on ( Orderly Disorder: Zinester Librarians in Circulation Tour https://zinemobile.wordpress.com/orderly-disorder-zinester-librarians-in... ), followed by the sorta annual-ish Zine Librarians Un-conference http://mkezluc.wikispaces.com/ and proceeded by a couple of days of technology work with Milo, Chris and other QZAP folks ( http://qzap.org ) to get a proper digital system setup for their archives (I'll post some notes on the decision making process soon, at the moment it's between Omeka and CollectiveAccess).

I'm amazed at the names of some of the neighborhoods in Milwaulkee ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neighborhoods_of_Milwaukee ) and how they compare to NYC. There's an Upper East Side, which is above Murray Hill, which then leads to the Lower East Side and within the Lower East Side is a smaller sub-neighborhood, the East Village.

I wonder if Milwaulkee was initially colonized by homesick New Yorkers.


Today's photos:

photo, July 3rd

photos, July 2nd

photos, July 1st